We are all photographers now!

Filed under: by: sknaB nolA

Here is an email I received yesterday:

Dear Photographer,

Your image was shown in the Musee de l'Elysee's exhibit ‘We are all photographers now!’ in the last few days. Below you will find an installation view of your image that shows it in the wall.

The visitors to the exhibit are fascinated by all the different photographs that are being shown from participants like you from all over the world. Thank you again for participating and please feel free to upload more images to the site.

We also sincerely hope you will visit the museum. The dates of the exhibition ‘All photographers now!’ are from February 8th, 2007 to May 20th, 2007.

From the team at the Musee de l'Elysee


On 10:32 AM , Katester said...

Holy Cow! Awesome!

On 8:51 PM , Unknown said...

Once again, I am six degrees from cool! Congratulations, Mr. Photographer.